What artificial intelligence brings to excel that makes your life easier
After completing this course, the learner should be able to:
• Use Flash Fill proficiently to clean and prepare data
• Leverage the Excel Ideas feature to quickly start asking their data questions
• Demonstrate how Flash Fill works
• Discuss various ways to employ Flash Fill to make data preparation faster and easier
• Demonstrate how Excel Ideas work
• Discuss various ways to employ Ideas to quickly extract answer from data
• Discuss how to think critically about the answers Ideas provide

Instructor bio
Matt Pickard, Ph.D. earned a B.S. in Computer Science, an MBA from Brigham Young University and a Ph.D. in Management Information Systems from the University of Arizona. Before moving to Illinois to be a Professor of Accounting Data and Analytics at Northern Illinois University, he worked at the University of New Mexico, where he taught accounting information systems and developed the accounting data and analytics curriculum.
He has provided data and analytics training for a variety of organizations, including the City of Santa Fe, Sandia National Labs, the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) Albuquerque Chapter and the Illinois Society of Association Executives. His MIS Ph.D. had a heavy data mining and analytics emphasis and was the start of his love for data and analytics. He finds data fascinating and is both overwhelmed and exhilarated to be living in this information age. He and his wife, Laura, are the parents of four beautiful girls. He enjoys woodworking and nature.
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