Enrolled Agent Exam Review

EA Exam Review is Coming Soon
All you need to pass the Special Enrollment Exam


Join the nearly 2 million candidates who have passed their professional exams with Becker. We're building on our 60+ years of exam review experience with new content designed specifically for the IRS's Special Enrollment Examination.

Unlock trusted, convenient, and highly effective exam review to prepare you to pass the EA Exam and earn your Enrolled Agent credential. 

3 digital textbooks

With all the information you need to pass all three exam parts

With all the information you need to pass all three exam parts

With all the information you need to pass all three exam parts

Lecture videos

For engaging explanations of exam concepts that you can review again and again

For engaging explanations of exam concepts that you can review again and again

For engaging explanations of exam concepts that you can review again and again

3,000+ MCQs

To practice questions that mirror the exam and tailor to the topics you need to study most

To practice questions that mirror the exam and tailor to the topics you need to study most

To practice questions that mirror the exam and tailor to the topics you need to study most

Simulated exams

Provide a realistic experience so you know what to expect and have better insight into how you'll perform

Provide a realistic experience so you know what to expect and have better insight into how you'll perform

Provide a realistic experience so you know what to expect and have better insight into how you'll perform

Expert instruction from EAs, for EAs

EA curriculum experts built our exam review course with the content you’ll need to pass the EA Exam. Taught by national instructors Angelle Cascio, Mike Potenza, and Ricardo Buenrostro—all also Enrolled Agents with combined decades of teaching experience—you’ll have engaging video explanations of tough exam concepts in each lecture video of your study.  

Angelle Cascio


Angelle Cascio is a curriculum development manager and instructor for Becker Professional Education. Angelle started her career at KPMG and gained experience in tax compliance and planning for clients in industries ranging from healthcare to oil & gas. Her love of tax has led her to her latest endeavor, becoming an Enrolled Agent and managing the development and launch of Becker’s Enrolled Agent exam review course.


Angelle Cascio is a curriculum development manager and instructor for Becker Professional Education. Angelle started her career at KPMG and gained experience in tax compliance and planning for clients in industries ranging from healthcare to oil & gas. Her love of tax has led her to her latest endeavor, becoming an Enrolled Agent and managing the development and launch of Becker’s Enrolled Agent exam review course.


Angelle Cascio is a curriculum development manager and instructor for Becker Professional Education. Angelle started her career at KPMG and gained experience in tax compliance and planning for clients in industries ranging from healthcare to oil & gas. Her love of tax has led her to her latest endeavor, becoming an Enrolled Agent and managing the development and launch of Becker’s Enrolled Agent exam review course.

Mike Potenza


Michael Potenza is a licensed CPA, professional Engineer, entrepreneur and admitted into the NY State Bar. He's been teaching with Becker since 1998. In 2021, Mike joined the team in a full-time role as Director of Exam Curriculum. He is also a National Instructor teaching in our CPA and CMA courses.


Michael Potenza is a licensed CPA, professional Engineer, entrepreneur and admitted into the NY State Bar. He's been teaching with Becker since 1998. In 2021, Mike joined the team in a full-time role as Director of Exam Curriculum. He is also a National Instructor teaching in our CPA and CMA courses.


Michael Potenza is a licensed CPA, professional Engineer, entrepreneur and admitted into the NY State Bar. He's been teaching with Becker since 1998. In 2021, Mike joined the team in a full-time role as Director of Exam Curriculum. He is also a National Instructor teaching in our CPA and CMA courses.

Ricardo Buenrostro


Ricardo Buenrostro Jr joined the Becker team in Spring 2024 as an instructor, subject matter expert, and contributing editor. As an EA, he currently serves as the Director of Tax, Compliance and Controls at the University of California, Davis where he teaches courses in Individual Income Taxation through their Continuing Professional Education segment.


Ricardo Buenrostro Jr joined the Becker team in Spring 2024 as an instructor, subject matter expert, and contributing editor. As an EA, he currently serves as the Director of Tax, Compliance and Controls at the University of California, Davis where he teaches courses in Individual Income Taxation through their Continuing Professional Education segment.


Ricardo Buenrostro Jr joined the Becker team in Spring 2024 as an instructor, subject matter expert, and contributing editor. As an EA, he currently serves as the Director of Tax, Compliance and Controls at the University of California, Davis where he teaches courses in Individual Income Taxation through their Continuing Professional Education segment.

Why Becker?
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Industry leader

For more than 60 years, Becker has been the partner accountants trust with their professional exam review and continuing education.

For more than 60 years, Becker has been the partner accountants trust with their professional exam review and continuing education.

For more than 60 years, Becker has been the partner accountants trust with their professional exam review and continuing education.

Premium content

Our exam prep and CE content are relevant, up-to-date, and will keep you ahead of the game as you grow your career and achieve new credentials.

Our exam prep and CE content are relevant, up-to-date, and will keep you ahead of the game as you grow your career and achieve new credentials.

Our exam prep and CE content are relevant, up-to-date, and will keep you ahead of the game as you grow your career and achieve new credentials.

Unmatched expertise

Our team of expert instructors draws on real-world experience to deliver comprehensive coursework that translates concepts into concrete examples.

Our team of expert instructors draws on real-world experience to deliver comprehensive coursework that translates concepts into concrete examples.

Our team of expert instructors draws on real-world experience to deliver comprehensive coursework that translates concepts into concrete examples.

The trusted choice

Becker has prepared nearly 2 million professionals and partners with over 2,900 accounting firms, alliances, corporations, government agencies, and universities.

Becker has prepared nearly 2 million professionals and partners with over 2,900 accounting firms, alliances, corporations, government agencies, and universities.

Becker has prepared nearly 2 million professionals and partners with over 2,900 accounting firms, alliances, corporations, government agencies, and universities.

Personalized learning experience

Our EA Exam Review packages include Becker’s customizable Learning Management System, an online portal that manages everything you need to personalize and optimize your study journey.

From a customizable study planner to video lectures that you can watch as many times as needed, and much more, you’ll have all the study tools necessary to make your exam review experience work for you!  

Unparalleled support

Becker is proud to offer academic and technical support that’s unmatched in the industry. Whether you have a question on an exam concept or need help with your LMS, our teams of experts are available to provide you with answers.

Your EA Exam Review doesn't just come with study materials, it includes a team of experts to support your journey to success.

Community of learners

Gain access to an instant support group of your peers. Becker’s EA Exam Review packages include entrance to our private Facebook study group. In this community, fellow students share invaluable insights and firsthand stories about their experiences during exam prep, on the real exam, and in their career after credential.

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EA Exam Review for business

Becker is the proud partner of over 2,900 accounting firms, corporations, government agencies, and universities—and we can support your team’s needs, too.

Contact us to learn more about EA Exam Review for businesses.

Becker is the proud partner of over 2,900 accounting firms, corporations, government agencies, and universities—and we can support your team’s needs, too.

Contact us to learn more about EA Exam Review for businesses.

Becker is the proud partner of over 2,900 accounting firms, corporations, government agencies, and universities—and we can support your team’s needs, too.

Contact us to learn more about EA Exam Review for businesses.

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A complete guide to the Enrolled Agent Exam





What is the Enrolled Agent Exam?

The Enrolled Agent Exam (EA Exam) is the three-part test that a candidate must pass in its entirety to become an Enrolled Agent.

What is an Enrolled Agent?

Enrolled Agents (EAs) are tax professionals who have the authority to represent clients in their tax issues before the IRS.

Is the SEE the same as the EA Exam?

Yes. The SEE (Special Enrollment Examination) can also be called the EA Exam, because it is the IRS-mandated exam that all candidates must pass to become Enrolled Agents.

Yes. The SEE (Special Enrollment Examination) can also be called the EA Exam, because it is the IRS-mandated exam that all candidates must pass to become Enrolled Agents.

Yes. The SEE (Special Enrollment Examination) can also be called the EA Exam, because it is the IRS-mandated exam that all candidates must pass to become Enrolled Agents.

What’s on each EA Exam Part?

The EA Exam parts are:
o   Part 1—Individuals
o   Part 2—Business
o   Part 3—Representation, Practices, and Procedures

How long do I need to study for the EA Exam?

 Your current tax knowledge and experience will greatly influence how long you should study to learn or review the material of each exam section. If you already work in tax and have a good understanding of tax law, you may not require as much time as someone who is new to tax services. That said, Becker recommends an average of 70-90 hours to study for exam Part 1, 80-100 hours for Part 2, and 60-80 hours for Part 3.  

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