CPA Exam Support Products
As you gear up for the big exam day, you may be looking for extra opportunities to review the CPA Exam content and hone in on the section concepts that are most challenging. Increase your exam day confidence with the purchase of additional Becker CPA products, ExamSolver videos, tutoring, and flashcards.
The support products listed within this page are only available for purchase to current or former Becker CPA Exam Review subscribers. If you are not a Becker student, learn more about our package options here. If you are a Becker student, please log in to purchase.
Final Review

Final Review provides additional practice to round out your prep and review the toughest content areas within each exam section. Each Final Review includes additional multiple-choice questions, task-based simulations that include SkillBiulder videos, and an additional simulated exam. With a hyper-focused review of key areas, you'll ensure better comprehension and retention in the final days before the CPA Exam so you can feel confident and prepared when you walk into take the exam.
Deep Dive Workshops

The Deep Dive Workshops are a series of 60-90 minute live, virtual workshops led by expert instructors covering the critical, must-know concepts of each section of the CPA Exam. A recording of each workshop session is always available on-demand.
Becker Academy

Becker Academy is designed to strengthen your accounting foundation before starting CPA Exam review. The first course, Financial Accounting Foundations, helps identify and close knowledge gaps, ensuring a smoother transition into FAR and the rest of your CPA journey. This self-paced, on-demand course empowers students from any background to build confidence and prepare for CPA success.
ExamSolver Videos

Our ExamSolver feature provides over 900 bite sized videos to all of Becker’s exam questions contained with our 12 Mini Exams and 8 Simulated Exams. ExamSolver covers both task-based simulation and multiple-choice questions. After completing a Simulated or Mini Exam, review any question to access a ExamSolver video solution which will offer an instructor-led step-by-step explanation on how to answer the question in addition to providing tips and techniques that will help you succeed on exam day.
LiveOnline Bundle

If you prefer the interaction and engagement of a traditional classroom learning environment, consider Becker's LiveOnline CPA Exam Review classes. These weekly live, virtual sessions taught by Becker's expert instructors cover all of the material in each exam section. You can ask questions and get answers from CPAs in real time. Plus, many students find that scheduling LiveOnline classes offers the necessary motivation and accountability to stick to their study schedule!
Printable Flashcards

Study on the go, quiz yourself to boost retention or brush up on key concepts at any time with our Printable Flashcards! Students will receive a digital file to print out the flashcards.
1-on-1 CPA
Tutoring Sessions

Get personalized instruction to guide you through challenging concepts with our 1-on-1 academic tutoring. These sessions are online and are available with flexible hours to fit most schedules so you can get answers to specific problems or dig into topics that are holding back your progress.
Microsoft® Excel Data Analytics Certificate

This critical certifricate can help you expand your Microsoft Excel skills with focused coverage on the more advanced functions, along with in-depth Excel applications for data analytics. Take a crucial step in your professional development by earning this certificate.
Becker CPA products FAQs
ExamSolver videos feature a Becker national instructor working through a task-based simulation on screen. Not only do they show you how to get the right answer, they often provide tips, tricks and exam hacks in these videos. Think of it like your on-demand personal tutor.
We recommend watching ExamSolver videos for the questions you answer incorrectly in the course, especially those you don't immediately know why you got it wrong or how to get the right answer.
When you prepare for the CPA Exam with Becker, you’re benefitting from a more authentic experience so that you can be confident come exam day. That’s the Becker difference. The Becker flashcards provide the same confidence as other Becker CPA products, all while allowing you to easily study on the go.