Fund Financial Statements Definition | Becker
Accounting Dictionary
Fund Financial Statements
In fund financial statements, major funds are shown individually, and nonmajor funds are shown in total. For governmental funds, the fund financial statements are the balance sheet and the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance. For proprietary funds, the fund financial statements are the statement of net position, the statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in fund net position, and the statement of cash flows. For fiduciary funds, the fund financial statements are the statement of fiduciary net position and the statement of changes in fiduciary net position. See also governmental funds (GRASPP) and proprietary funds and fiduciary funds and major funds and nonmajor funds.
Related Terms:
Governmental Funds (GRASPP) [FARBAR]Proprietary Funds [FARBAR]Fiduciary Funds [FARBAR]Major Funds [FARBAR]Nonmajor Funds [FARBAR]Back to Dictionary