Unlimited access

Unlimited access to the Materials until you pass all four sections of the CPA exam. Becker may deactivate your access after 60 months. If Becker deactivates your access, you can obtain access for an additional 12 months by emailing proof that you are still studying for the CPA Exam to ExtendLicense@becker.com. Becker will accept the following forms of proof that you are still studying for the exam:

  • A current (not expired) Notice to Schedule, or 
  • Proof that you failed a section of the CPA Exam in the past 6 months The name on the documents must match the name on the account. If you have provided valid documentation, Becker will extend (or restore) your access within 30 days.

Please note that you will only need to send in a Notice to Schedule or proof of a failed score for one section of the exam to have your account extended for an additional 12 months. If you do not send in the required documentation by your deactivation deadline, your account will be re-activated for 12 months from the date that your documentation is received and processed.

FAQ for Unlimited License Access Extension Policy and Process

If you are seeing the deactivation alert it DOES apply to your account.

If I do not send my documentation before my deadline or my documentation is not processed by my deadline, do I permanently lose access? Will I lose any progress made in the course?

You will not permanently lose access. Your access will be re-activated once your documentation has been received and processed. You can submit your documentation a day, a week, a month or a year after your access was de-activated; whenever you send in your documentation, we will reactivate your access. Your progress will be saved so you can resume your studies once your access is re-activated. *Please keep in mind it can take up to 30 days to process your documentation. *

How many times will Becker extend my Access?

If you need additional software access beyond the initial 12-month extension, you can obtain additional access for 12 months at a time by emailing a current NTS or failed exam score less than 6 months old to ExtendLicense@becker.com.

Are there any Becker products I can purchase to extend my access?

No. The only thing that will extend your access is providing current NTS or failed exam score less than 6 months old. Please do not re-purchase a package or order an upgrade to extend your access.

Do I need to provide an NTS for each part, or will one valid NTS extend access for everything on my account?

One valid NTS for one part will extend everything on your account for 12 months.

Am I able to submit my documentation early?

You can submit your documentation up to 90 days ahead of your deactivation deadline. That is the earliest we will accept documentation that you are still studying to pass the CPA exam.

Now Leaving Becker.com

You are leaving the Becker.com website. Once you click “continue,” you will be brought to a third-party website. Please be aware, the privacy policy may differ on the third-party website. Adtalem Global Education is not responsible for the security, contents and accuracy of any information provided on the third-party website. Note that the website may still be a third-party website even the format is similar to the Becker.com website.
