With several interactive exercises and assessments, participants will acquire the knowledge and practical tools to unleash their full potential. You'll learn what makes you tick, what causes gaps in your ability to gain endorsement, how to communicate with people based on their own unique preferences and styles, and how your needs and values shape the way you make decisions. At the conclusion of this session you should be able to:
- Describe the characteristics to gain your personal endorsement (i.e., Executive presence, Exquisite communication, Professional foundation)
- Identify the DISC communication styles, communication cues, and how to communicate with the different DISC styles
- Recognize the types of Micro Messaging (e.g., facial expressions, hand gestures)
- Identify the characteristics of various needs and values
- Recognize the benefits of managing conflict
Instructor bio
Tim Gearty is the National Director and Editor-in-Chief for the world’s largest CPA training program, Becker CPA Review. In addition to his editorial leadership, Tim is also Becker's National Lead Instructor, whose taped lectures are seen in over 325 locations throughout the world. Tim is a nationally recognized expert and speaker on a variety of accounting and tax topics, and has appeared as keynote speaker for several Fortune 100 companies as well as many national associations. He has frequently been called upon over the past twenty years to present accounting and tax topics to large groups, organizations, and corporations, accounting firms and in legal proceedings. Tim is a partner in Gearty & McIntyre, LLP, CPA, a firm which has developed a reputation as a specialist in business advisory services, litigation support and forensic accounting. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the New Jersey Society of Public Accountants as well as a trustee of that organization. He holds a BS in Accounting from Fairleigh Dickinson University, and both a MBA in Finance and Law Degree (JD) from Seton Hall University. Tim is a member of the New Jersey and American Bar Associations.
Instructor bio
Cheryl has been coaching individuals and teams in corporations committed to producing breakthrough results since 1992. Her client list includes: Pfizer/Wyeth, A Big 4 accounting firm, Anchin, Block and Anchin, RKL, DuPont, Kimberly-Clark, Barclays Capital, IBM, Cisco, AT&T, Lucent Technologies, Novartis, J&J, Jefferson Wells, Hershey Foods, Temple University Health System, Hajoca Corporation, Acme-Hardesty, Carter & Burgess, Siemens, and Wharton, as well as many smaller organizations. She leads team and leadership workshops designed to produce results beyond what these leaders could imagine before working with Cheryl. Recently she has been working with several organizations to uncover what sets apart the “stars” and “leaders” from those who are not and has a process to quickly identify leadership competencies to coach and develop. Cheryl conducts public and corporate workshops and programs. Several of the most popular are: Developing YOUR Unique Leadership Style, Retaining Talented Employees, and The Executive Leadership Program for identified “high potentials” in organizations. Her workshop for sales organizations, ROCKET Your RESULTS was featured in FORTUNE magazine, “So You’re a Player: Do You Need a Coach?” where she helped her client, “blow out the numbers.” Cheryl worked for IBM for 13 years in sales, specializing in business solutions to improve the bottom line. As Finance Industry Sales Executive for IBM she helped her clients solve business problems with multi-million dollar solutions sold to top executives. Cheryl is a certified graduate of CoachU (a three year program) and certified “Teleclass” Leader (an 8 month process). She was a founding member of Corporate Coaches Committee of the International Coach Federation (ICF) as well as a Host for the Internal Corporate Coaching Group. She is certified in Hay Group’s Emotional Intelligence 360 Degree Multi-rater assessment (ECI) that identifies leadership strengths and “opportunities for development” in 18 key leadership competencies. She is certified in delivering feedback and coaching around TTI’s DISC Style and Behavior assessment. The Needs and Values Program, she developed, identifies people’s top 5 needs and values so they see the source of their upsets and orient their lives around these values/strengths. Cheryl is trained to facilitate the TKI Conflict Management Workshop that identifies the conflict modes one uses most often and provides others choices to resolving conflict. And, she is currently a contributing editor for Executive Excellence and Personal Excellence magazines. Cheryl is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Economics and is a Hall of Famer in swimming. She lives in Philadelphia with her husband of 32 years and has 3 children, Sawyer (26) and Kristin and Collin (twins, 24). Her passions are sports, golf, gardening, swimming outdoors and reading at the beach; traveling, and enjoys watching her children take on all the new challenges that independent life offers.
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