Becker Alumni Community


Join 1 million+ accountants (and get your golden ruler!)

We're celebrating the success of the over one-million alumni of Becker's CPA Exam Review course! In the early 70's, Becker's founder began handing out golden rulers to students who completed his CPA Exam Review course. Now, you can get your very own Becker golden ruler and more!

Be a part of the Becker Alumni Community

Our students are the backbone of the accounting industry, and we want to celebrate their success. By registering as a Becker alum, you will get the opportunity to become a part of the Becker community to share your experiences and connect with others in the field. 

Once you become a member, you'll receive perks of your alumni status.

  • Becker Golden Ruler
  • Free and discounted continuing education
  • Access to exclusive free content

Our students are the backbone of the accounting industry, and we want to celebrate their success. By registering as a Becker alum, you will get the opportunity to become a part of the Becker community to share your experiences and connect with others in the field. 

Once you become a member, you'll receive perks of your alumni status.

  • Becker Golden Ruler
  • Free and discounted continuing education
  • Access to exclusive free content

Our students are the backbone of the accounting industry, and we want to celebrate their success. By registering as a Becker alum, you will get the opportunity to become a part of the Becker community to share your experiences and connect with others in the field. 

Once you become a member, you'll receive perks of your alumni status.

  • Becker Golden Ruler
  • Free and discounted continuing education
  • Access to exclusive free content
Professionals shaking hands
Becker Alumni Member ruler
Are you a Becker alumni?

If so, register to join our alumni community – you'll get access to exclusive content, free CPE opportunities, and a space to network. And we'll send you your very own Becker golden ruler.

If so, register to join our alumni community – you'll get access to exclusive content, free CPE opportunities, and a space to network. And we'll send you your very own Becker golden ruler.

If so, register to join our alumni community – you'll get access to exclusive content, free CPE opportunities, and a space to network. And we'll send you your very own Becker golden ruler.

Alumni Spotlight

"I chose to pursue a career in accounting because I've always been fascinated with the language of business and understanding the inner workings of a business."

Sam Daly
Ernst & Young's Financial Services Organization

"I chose to pursue a career in accounting because I've always been fascinated with the language of business and understanding the inner workings of a business."

Sam Daly
Ernst & Young's Financial Services Organization

"I chose to pursue a career in accounting because I've always been fascinated with the language of business and understanding the inner workings of a business."

Sam Daly
Ernst & Young's Financial Services Organization

sam daly headshot

Contact us to learn more about group discounts for your organization.

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