If you want to expand your knowledge and open the door to new career opportunities, getting your certified management accountant, or CMA certification is a great option. Having the right study materials and resources is essential to getting certified, so we're exploring the benefits of CMA online classes and how they can help you get ready to take (and pass!) your exam.
Getting ready for the exam
The CMA Exam is a two-part exam written and administered by the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA). Part 1 covers financial planning, performance and analytics. Within this includes questions related to:
- External financial reporting decisions
- Planning, budgeting and forecasting
- Performance management
- Cost management
- Internal controls
- Technology and analytics
Part 2 covers strategic financial management, including questions related to:
- Financial statement analysis
- Corporate finance
- Decision analysis
- Risk management
- Investment decisions
- Professional ethics
Both parts of the exam include 100 multiple-choice questions and two 30-minute essay sections with written responses or calculations that reflect typical business scenarios.
The IMA recommends spending approximately 150 and 170 hours of studying per part, or up to 340 hours total. However, not all study hours are equal, and relying solely on a textbook or review questions may not give you the depth of foundational information you need to succeed.
The benefits of CMA online classes
With a better understanding of how the exam is laid out and what it entails, you'll have a better idea of the areas you're familiar with and which areas where you'll need additional guidance. And that's where it's important to consider the benefits of CMA online classes.
Clear instruction
Relying solely on a textbook or self-guided instruction means that if you're stuck on an element you find confusing, you have to figure it out on your own. When you have access to lecture videos or even one-on-one instruction, you'll have an experienced instructor who can break down complex topics so you understand them correctly.
Added context
While flash cards, textbooks, and even exam review questions can help you understand what a concept or topic is, an instructor can put the definition into context and help you better understand how to apply it in day-to-day accounting. Understanding how to apply what you learn is especially important in the essay section of the exam.
Easy access
With CMA online classes and video lectures, you can study and learn just about any time and any place. The instructors design their lectures to be digestible and engaging, and as long as you have a smartphone, tablet, or laptop, you can watch them at your convenience. At the same time, even a digital textbook may be more difficult to hold your focus especially mentally, in a more distracting setting, such as a coffee shop or public transportation.
Using online CMA classes with other resources
Just like how relying solely on a textbook may not properly prepare you to pass the CMA Exam, neither does only using lecture videos. The best course or program offers a comprehensive, well-rounded education with a wide variety of materials to support your knowledge and ensure you're truly prepared. All Becker's CMA Exam reviews include:
- Digital textbooks
- 500+ digital flashcards
- Simulated, customizable exams with over 4,000 multiple choice questions
- 76 essay questions
- 76 SkillBuilder videos with step-by-step guides to each essay
- Lecture videos
- Success coaching
Using all of these resources and following the recommended study structure can help you get Exam Day Ready, gain your CMA certification, and move onto the next stage in your career.
Try a Free CMA Review Course Demo
Want to see how our lecture videos, CMA online classes, and digital resources help you get Exam Day Ready? Get a 14-day free trial of our CMA Exam course and discover how it can help you succeed!