Passing the CPA Exam is hard to do, but a practical study schedule and the right exam prep resources and materials can make it a lot easier. But with so many CPA course options available, how do you know which one to pick? To help you make the right decision, we're breaking down what to look for in the best CPA review to give you the best chance of success.
How to choose the best CPA Course for your needs
Before we go into statistics and such, the most important thing about choosing an exam prep is making sure it works for your learning needs and lifestyle. We recommend considering several factors.
Ready for CPA Evolution
The first factor for CPA candidates to consider is whether a course is ready for CPA Evolution. This is the new CPA Exam starting in 2024 which shifts from four Core sections (BEC, FAR, AUD and REG) to three Core sections (FAR, AUD and REG) and one Discipline section of three options (BAR, ISC and TCP).
This is the largest update to the CPA Exam in several years and it affects every section of the exam, so it's essential to make sure the course you choose is up-to-date. We also recommend choosing a course that lets you try the materials for all three Discipline sections before choosing one, so you don't have to pay for or get stuck with materials you don't need.
Expert CPA Exam instructors
The CPA Exam covers a huge variety of complex topics and studying on your own may not offer the understanding or clarity you need to pass the exam. Having experienced instructors to teach these concepts is key to making sure you understand them. This way, when you continue to review, you'll have the correct foundational knowledge in place, and you can sit for the exam with confidence.
Comprehensive study materials
The AICPA recommends between 80 to 120 of study time for each section of the Exam, so between 320 to 400 hours total. You want to make the most of your study time with high-quality content that is covered on the exam, but it also needs to be delivered in the best way for your learning style.
For example, some students learn better through instructional videos and need the accountability of live stream classes. Others may find they retain more information through reading textbooks. And the majority of people get the best results by having multiple study materials and resources to choose from. So, the best CPA course for you will have the materials you need to help you retain information most effectively.
Academic support
When you are struggling with a concept, stuck on a question, or hitting an obstacle in your CPA journey, having the support you need is key to moving forward. From one-on-one tutoring sessions and small workshops to having access to someone who can answer those quick questions and help you over your hurdles, the best CPA review will have the academic support and guidance to keep you on track and ready to succeed.
Realistic practice tests
Practice tests and simulated exams are the most effective way to track your progress, focus on problem areas and reinforce what you learn. And when the simulated exam follows a near-identical format as the "real" CPA Exam, you know what to expect and have a better idea of how you'll perform on the exam. Look for a CPA review course that offers more than just practice tests and lets you personalize the experience so you're testing in the most effective way to get ready.
What is the best CPA Review?
Becker's CPA Exam Course has been the leading provider of CPA Exam prep for over 60 years and has helped over one million students get their CPA license. Plus, more accounting firms, universities, and corporations trust Becker than other options. What sets us apart?
- An expert team of experienced instructors with backgrounds in accounting, finance, and law
- 30-day access to all three Disciplines so you can make your choice with confidence
- One-on-one tutoring sessions
- Best-in-class textbooks and flashcards
- Over 900 new, highly engaging lecture videos (all under 20 minutes)
- 4,000+ multiple choice questions
- Adapt2U technology for a personalized experience
In addition to having the qualities you need, the best CPA review has a track record for success. Becker Exam Day Ready SM students reported a 94 percent pass rate and more Elijah Watt Sells winners. The Watt Sells Award is presented to candidates who obtain a cumulative average score above 95.50 across all four sections and passed it on their first attempt. From 2005-2018, over 90 percent of Watt Sells Award winners prepared for the CPA Exam with Becker.
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If you're ready to take the next step in your career, don't do it alone. Trust Becker to help you meet your career goals. Get a 14-day free trial of our full exam prep course and get started!