Interactive Game as New Study Tool for CPA Exam Prep

Accounting for Empires is a Game-Changing Educational Method for CPA Students

DOWNERS GROVE, Ill. – Oct. 27, 2016 – Becker Professional Education, a global leader in professional education and a part of DeVry Education Group, launched “Accounting for Empires™,” a new interactive game, as a supplementary study tool as part of Becker’s CPA Exam Review course. Available through Apple and Android app stores for use on smart phones and tablets, the game uses correct answers to multiple-choice questions and task-based simulations to allow users to “build” and enhance their empire by earning gold and knowledge in hopes of amassing the ultimate CPA empire, and ultimately passing the exam.

This interactive mobile game experience provides:

  • Personalized Content – CPA candidates can specify the content they want to be quizzed on and increase the number of questions in key areas to tailor to their study needs.
  • Strategy and Knowledge – Candidates can test their knowledge on both multiple choice and simulation questions that mirror the questions likely to appear on the CPA Exam. Correct answers earn resources to build an empire and users can conduct espionage or challenge other players as a way to boost resources.
  • Connect for Greater Success – Provides candidates with a sense of connection to other students through the creation of alliances and helps to boost confidence while prepping for exam day.

For CPA Exam candidates interested in exploring the game Becker has included a video demo and a trial version available for download at here. Once the candidate signs on to study with Becker the full game is included in their suite of CPA Exam prep study tools.

With global trends showing that people spend more than three billion hours per week playing video and computer games, Becker wanted to use the popularity of gaming to help students studying for the CPA Exam have a more interactive and fun experience.

“Accounting for Empires reflects the growth of games as more than just distractions,” said Ramin Nadaf, vice president of course development at Becker Professional Education. “An emerging body of research is proving that games can better engage college students and improve academic performance – largely by making learning more fun.”

About Becker Professional Education

Becker Professional Education, a part of Adtalem Global Education, is a global leader in professional education serving the accounting and healthcare professions. One million professionals have prepared to advance their careers through our CPA Exam Review, CMA Exam Review, USMLE® Review and Continuing Professional Education courses. Throughout our 60 year history, Becker has earned a strong track record of student success through world-class teaching, curriculum and learning tools that enable our students to develop the knowledge and performance skills necessary to stay ahead in an ever-changing business world.

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